New Book Release

I am very excited to announce the debut online of my first non-fiction book, The Accidental Wizard. It defines who I am and you may discover you identify with many of the strange experiences I have had which are documented in the book. The events it describes have affected me profoundly and may make you stop and take stock of your own life.

You can order it in any format of your choice now from this link Buy My Book.

Everyone has a personal story to tell and this is mine. It is my sincere wish that by being totally honest and laying myself bare it may have a significant effect on you too in a positive and enlightening way.

This story is an uncompromising, honest, humorous diary of my gradual realization of who and what I am, which is a modern day accidental wizard and angel photographer, combined with what my work as a science documentary director has taught me about the immediate future we are facing. The book doesn’t soft-soap the reader. It delivers intrigue and hope as well as an explosive message regarding our immediate future.

Apart from the way in which I have received key information from the Angelic Realm, who are desperate to communicate with the human race, I have been inspired to look for scientific connections, which is my specialism. I think this is why they chose me to work with them.

The book starts the day my mother died. She was a healer and the effect her death had on me was to start to put into practice what she had taught me about realms other than our own.

My account of what has happened to me and the information I have been given uses photographs I have taken to hang the framework of my story on. Each picture has a powerful set of circumstances attached to it and each one has a context and link to the next. My diary and the pictures associated with it have been carefully catalogued and cross referenced since the process began in 2006.


The story is a very intimate and honest account of my journey, what I’ve learnt and how it might benefit others. My increasing awareness and sensitivity to the forces around us has been astounding and humbling. It has changed my life. The spiritual journey accompanies the physical one through my directing career as I document the world’s natural disasters for tv including the earthquakes in Pakistan, Haiti, Chile, the tsunami in Indonesia and more recently Japan.

During the last decade nature without precedent has struck blow after blow on humanity. As well as the celestial significance, much of what is happening is rooted in science and irresponsible and egotistical tinkering. But because we have distanced science and the soul, the two elements are in conflict instead of in harmony. This story is an account of my awakening to the presence of angels and the celestial realm – documented in thousands of photographs I have taken. 125 of which are included in the book and each one tells a story.

Please read the book and let as many of your friends know about it as possible if you feel it has merit. It’s very important that as many souls are exposed to these ideas as fast as possible. What you choose to embrace is up to you but the angels very much want you to at least have the option. It’s challenging stuff. A coventional publisher would have censored and controlled what was set out for me to say. In fact Europe’s most powerful publishing creative director offered to publish it if I agreed to someone else rewriting it in a more conventional way. Thanks to the freedom self-publishing brings, you have the unvarnished truth.

Order your copy here